Immerse Labs with Yolanda Lowatta

Dancer in flowy costume in the sunshine.
Textured divide




Gorman Arts Centre


4 pm - 7pm
3 December 2024


A Block

Join Australian Dance Party for their final IMMERSE Contemporary Lab of 2024.

Using three key concepts: cellular, air, and context, Yolanda Lowatta leads a three-hour lab exploring our expanding cells, both energetically within the body and in the rehearsal space.

Cellular: Feeling everything deeply on a cellular level, being moved by even the smallest things.
Air: Physically taking up space rather than existing as an invisible, untextured void.
Context: Understanding how you feel about a scenario or narrative. How does your movement resonate, and how can you connect it back to the cellular realm?

Through the exploration of these themes, Yolanda guides participants into movement, facilitating further discovery. As an artist, she is passionate about exploring raw sensation, experimenting with different textures and contexts, and approaching movement from fresh perspectives each time. Drawn to story and emotion, she finds inspiration in these elements, viewing her work as sculptures that capture fleeting moments.