Canberra Post Politics

Textured divide




Ainslie Arts Centre


4 pm - 5:30 pm
21 March

Beyond Walter. Beyond Borders. How does a planned city develop into a capital example of regional growth?

The general public is invited to join us for a bite of afternoon tea and an engaging conversation moderated by Regional Architecture Association president Tim Lee about our city. The panel will be ACT Government Architect Catherine Townsend, landscape architect Dr Julian Raxworthy and architectural photographer Thurston Empson.

You’re welcome to come along on a short walk afterwards too – following the panel discussion, we will move on to view ‘Between Mountains’, a local mural project by Lymesmith not normally visible to the public.

This public panel discussion is an extension of ‘CONTEXT‘, a Regional Architecture Association conference and is a means of extending the conversation beyond the design community.