Peripathetic “Winter of Our Discontent” Book Tour

Textured divide




Ainslie Arts Centre




6:00pm to 8:00pm
19 Jul 2024

Come celebrate the launch of Cher Tan’s newly released essay collection Peripathetic: Notes on (Un)belonging as part of her national book tour.

Peripathetic is about shit jobs. About being who you are and who you aren’t online. About knowing a language four times. About living on the interstices. About thievery. About wanting. About the hyperreal. About weirdness.

Cher Tan’s essays are as non-linear as her life, as she travels across borders that are simultaneously tightening and blurring. In luminous and inventive prose, they look beyond the performance of everyday life, seeking answers that continually elude.

Paying homage to the many outsider artists, punks, drop-outs and rogue philosophers who came before, this book is about the resistance of orthodoxies — even when it feels impossible.

Readings by Zhi Cham, Lina Koleilat and Tom Campbell

Special appearance by DJ Alicia Sparkles