Tristan Meecham – 2019

Visiting Artist 2019
Tristan Meecham is an artist who facilitates creative frameworks that enable social transformation; connecting community, audience and artists together in events that transcend the everyday. He is the Director of All The Queens Men.
All The Queens Men create spectacular theatrical and participatory arts experiences. Established with Bec Reid, All The Queens Men champion social equality, celebrating diverse community through creative actions and socially engaged frameworks.
Tristan has been a key facilitator in Ainslie and Gorman’s ‘Ahead Of The Game’ residency, a LGBTIQ+ performance program that provides workshops for three Canberra-based Queer-identifying artists to explore the cross-section and complexities of gender identity and sporting culture. In partnership with AIDS Action Council and A Gender Agenda, this residency operates as a performance development project as the artists work toward developing a concept of a ‘Queer’ sport.