Canberra Recorders and Early Music Society

Canberra Recorders and Early Music Society(CREMS) is a society of recorder enthusiasts in the Canberra region who love this wonderful instrument. We enjoy playing both early and modern music on recorders of all sizes from the tiny sopranino to the large contrabass.
We offer playing opportunities including recorder orchestras, large ensembles and workshops led by professional tutors as well as informal gatherings of players led by any interested member. We also facilitate contact between members who would like to play in small groups.
Our orchestra and ensembles perform in public once or twice a year. In recent years we have performed in the High Court Sunday Concert Series and at the National Portrait Gallery.
If you are interested in playing with us come along to one of our monthly orchestra sessions. First session is free! Find out more about our orchestra here.
If you would like to know more about CREMS and its activities please contact the President at or visit their website: