Deaf Connect

Deaf Connect is the largest whole-of-life service provider for Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing Australians conducted throughout Australia.
We stand with the Deaf community to build capacity and influence social change while paying respect to history, culture and language.
Our focus is on community and empowerment, supporting Deaf Australians and their families to make choices and actions to thrive in life, while delivering on a national agenda to improve equity for the Deaf community, and to remove systemic cultural and language barriers.
We offer nationally recognised qualifications in Auslan through our Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Access Training & Education (RTO #41192). Courses that qualify students in Auslan are suited to people working in or interested in the disability sector, education sector or interpreting.
Currently holding sessions for the Certificate III Auslan at Ainslie Arts Centre
Visit their website for more info: