Paul Bong (Bindur Bullin) – 2014

Visiting Artist August 2014
During his stay at Gorman Arts Centre, visual artist Paul Bong (Bindur Bullin) completed a two-week residency at Megalo Print Studios in addition to developing his skills and knowledge of working with glass at the Canberra Glassworks.
Paul was born in the Cairns region in 1963. He is a descendant of the Yidinyju Tribe who occupied the fertile rainforest lands of Cairns, Babinda and the Atherton Tablelands.
His grandmother gave his the tribal name of Bindur-Bullin, after a great tribal warrior of the dreaming. This same grandmother taught him the stories and legends of his rainforest people, their bush food, animals and special places. Carrying the responsibilities of his ancestral warrior name, Paul incorporates his traditional designs with modern techniques to create designs rich in spiritual meaning.
Paul has an Associate Diploma in Arts, Cairns 1994. He specialises in painting, murals, linocuts, batik – silk dyes and is an authority on the painting of Yidinyji Warrior Shields.
His Art has appeared in such publications as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Cairns QLD Press Craft and Arts International No. 37, World Heritage Wet Tropics Publication Cairns and ABC TV “The Story of the Babinda Boulders”.
In 1995 he was commissioned by the Federal Airports Corporation “Rainforest Shields” Series.
In 1998 he completed a commission for Air New Zealand, Los Angeles “Yidinyji Designs on Glass” Series.
His Art has been exhibited extensively throughout Australia, Germany and USA.
Photo: Jay Cronan