Becky Houston

Becky Houston is a former social worker turned poet who has been scribbling angsty musings in corners with night lights since she was a little girl. Her poetry explores themes of mental health, desire, sexuality, relationships, motherhood, feminism, and social justice.
In 2024, she was awarded the Emerging Poet Prize from Liquid Amber press, and her poem “Open-Mouthed” was shortlisted for the 2024 Liquid Amber Poetry Prize on Change. Her work has also been published in several anthologies including “Song of Ourself: Voices in Unison”, which was awarded the Bronze Medal for General Fiction/Literature in the 2020 Living Now Book Awards, and Weaving our Way Beyond Patriarchy, launched in 2024 by Womancraft Publishing. Originally from the U.S., Becky is now based here on unceded Ngunnawal land. You can find more of her work on Instagram and Facebook @alittlespacetoholdalot.
Becky is part of Arts Capital’s Emerging Artist Studio Program at Gorman Arts Centre.
Address: Studio E 96, Gorman Arts Centre
Contact: | 0493059188
Opening Hours: By appointment