A Final Year in The Loft

Overlooking the East Courtyard from the top of E Block, ‘The Loft’ art-sit at Gorman Arts Centre is coming to the end of its time as a residential space for visiting artists.
Gorman Arts Centre has run ‘The Loft’ for 10 years, housing interstate and international artists while they develop their practice, work with Ainslie+Gorman creatives, or simply retreat into the quiet of our leafy arts centre, taking time to ruminate and research.
It has been home to artists such as author Isobelle Carmody and visual artist Ana Iti, amongst many others and as Gorman comes into its 100th anniversary, The Loft enters its final year with three of our Summer Artist Residency participants.
From February – April, The Loft will be home to inter-state artists Marisa Mu, Tori Delany and Leila Frijat. From developing technology prototypes, to pursing new ways of working, to creating exhibition pieces – these artists are embodying the breadth of The Loft’s cultural legacy as a space for artists to work on their own terms.
We look forward to introducing the incoming artists in depth across the next three months. Stay tuned.
Photo: Dan Cook
“We are honoured to have held this space for so many years. Supporting creatives with space and time is invaluable, and critical to developing a deep-rooted practice. Thank you to those who have been part of this history and have made The Loft their own.”
– Carly Davenport Acker
Director Ainslie+Gorman
CEO Arts Capital