Burnt Out

A figure in a button up shirt raises their hands in the air, one in front of their face in a dimly stage
Textured divide




Gorman Arts Centre


7.30 pm - 8.40 pm
20 + 21 January, 2023


A Block Theatre
Gorman Arts Centre

‘Burnt Out’ is a solo dance theatre work, performed by Penny Chivas (QL2 alumni), centered around our changing climate. Weaving spoken word and movement we are taken on a journey through past bushfires including Penny’s own experiences, through their ignition and devastation, and left with space to ponder how we got here.

Embedded in its soundscape are sounds from Black Summer – of magpies that have learnt to mimic emergency sires, of the shark sirens used to draw attention to the fire blackened skies, and of helicopters circling overhead -in original music by Paul Michael Henry.

Supported by: QL2 Dance, Dance Base, Tramway, Dance City, CCA (Glasgow), 
The Work Room and Lyra.
Photo credit: Brian Hartley